Saturday, November 8, 2008

Emmry... She is Early.

Since I am starting this blog so late (because I still don't know how it works), I am just going to put Emmry's life from August until now into this one area. Here goes nothing:

Emmry Janelle Payne was born August 21, 2008 at 12:05 pm. Pinpointing a word to describe how I felt the minute she was born is useless. There is no word and I am sure other mothers know exactly what I am saying. Giving birth was difficult but well worth every tear and pain I went thru the entire pregnancy. Here are a few pictures of Emmry. These were taken when she was only a few weeks old.

Yes, I think we did a very good job with her!! She has some features of me but some of Todd's too. She is a great little mix.

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