Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fast Forward...

Okay... I so I am going to "fast forward" a couple of weeks. It's really hard trying to go back and remember EVERY detail. It's now November 9, 2008 and boy have we been shopping this weekend. Todd says I am a crazy shopper. I "ooo" and "ahh" over everything, or so he says. I don't know but it thrills me to shop for Emmry. My heart pounds and I just get caught up in the moment.
Last night, we went to babies r us... FOR A BABY SEAT and we left spending over a hundred dollars and NO SEAT!!! Tell me, you do that too right? We bought more clothes than Emmry needs. Everything from shoes to dresses to pants and coats. I think I should of had a boy first... haha.

Then today, we took back Emmry's bassinet and swing. (Bassinet was on re-call and she HATES her swing.) We got over 200 hundred dollars back and do you know how much we have left? Guess? $31.92!! And it all went to clothes, clothes and MORE clothes. Todd says I am addicted.
Here are a few pictures of Emmry:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she is SOOOOOO sweet! girls are just so fun to shop for!