Thursday, April 30, 2009

Moving On Up

I remember the first time we put Emmry in her infant car seat. We are leaving the hospital after 6 long, tiring days and it was 10:30 at night! We were so sleepy, we couldn't even figure out how to work her car seat. The nurse just laughed at us and refused to help (she didn't want to be responsible). She did offer some good advice. She told us to push the button to loosen the straps! YAHOO! It worked! And we were off!Eight months and five days later... Emmry has moved up! She now has a BIG GIRL CAR SEAT! And let me just tell you how excited I am about this! I put her in the car, with having no where to go... just so she could ride in it.
I put her mirror on the headrest of the passenger seat and she laughed the whole way, I guess because she could see out the window! Needless to say, she loves her new car seat and this is such a big but marvelous step for not only her but us too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im jealous!!!! im kinda scared to switch just yet...