I seriously say this all the time but it's the truth... I cannot believe I have been married to my wonderful husband for a full year. I remember the day we got together, the day he proposed, the moment I said "Yes"!!, and the second I said "I Do". Although we are very different, we are so much the same and throughout our nearly 4 year relationship we have definitely been thru a lot. I love a challenge and will stop at nothing to reach my goals. Other than our daughter, our marriage is my number one goal in life. 

(Cruise 2007)
Todd is truly an amazing father... I knew that the moment I met him. In fact, I told him that's what attracted me to him. When he walks into the room, Emmry's face just lights up. She adores her daddy, no one will ever compare. He is a great hubby too. He would bend over backwards for me and sometimes, ONLY sometimes do I use that to my advantage! :) I love the fact that he isn't afraid to do laundry, clean up around the house when needed, or watch Emmry for an hour while I go to the store. I also love the fact that he always defends me; he never allows anyone to hurt me or put me down. He is honest to goodness my biggest fan! I can't imagine my life without him in it.

(Mexico 2007)
The morning of our anniversary, he surprised me with another charm from my Pandora bracelet! (I am such a HUGH fan of Pandora) Then, we spent the remainder of the day between the beach and the pool. For me, it was perfect. I couldn't have asked for anything more!

To Todd:
What if I had never walked up to you that day in the park? We sure wouldn't be here, where we are today. So I believe you owe me a "THANK YOU"! :) None the less...
I am so blessed to have you in my life. Thank you for being my husband, thank you for giving me the most precious gift of all, Emmry and thank you for standing by my side thru it all. I know I can depend on you for anything and I know you will always be there. You have brought so much joy in my life, I'll never be able to repay you. As we grow and continue to change, I hope your love from me will always stay the same! I look forward to sharing so many more memories with you. I can't say it enough... I love you!

(Pregnant with Emmry)

(On Our 1 Year Anniversary!)
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