Emmry doesn't have just one tooth, or two, or even three for that matter. She has EIGHT teeth coming in... and yes, all at one time! Maybe I am just being a baby but this is horrible! Not to mention, last night she woke Todd up at 5:55. So what does he do? Yes, you guess it... wake me up too! I am actually surprised at myself. I was so calm. I got her from the bed, changed her poopy diaper, feed her, played with her, rocked her, and stuffed her little teething butt back into bed. She was awake for about an hour, maybe a little longer.
Three MAJOR things I have learned throughout motherhood:
1. Never, EVER say something UNLESS you want it to happen.
2. Dr. Stars may taste nasty but it keeps Emmry from crying.
3. When babies get teeth, go ahead and prepare yourself.
Teething = screaming, crying, and pain for BOTH the baby and the mother!
As for now, Emmry is off with her daddy for the moment. They are at the pet store. I don't want to speak too fast but she seems to be "better" today! As soon as her teeth REALLY start showing, pictures will definitely be posted! Oh and wish me luck!! :)

1 comment:
dr starrs is the best.....
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