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Sorry... I'm Behind
Yes, I am very behind. To be honest, I forgot all about this site. I guess being a "stay at home mommy", I forget about the little things; this site!! But, I am back up to date and I vow to write at least once a week! Last time I blogged, Emmry was three months old. Now, she is SEVEN MONTHS OLD!
We have been thru our first Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and Valentine's Day. I look back at some of her pictures and my eyes nearly fill up with tears. It amazes me that something so small can make me feel so happy inside and out.
Emmry now weighs about 18 pounds and she is off the chart with her height. Her feet hang over the car seat, she puts anything she can in her mouth and she cannot live without her blanket. Emmry is growing into her own person. She cries when things don't go her way, she laughs if something is funny and she knows exactly what "dogs" are. She talks to every dog/puppy she sees. If they have enough hair... she pulls it.
She also sleeps in her own room, in her own bed. One of my favorite things she does, when she wakes up in the morning, she doesn't cry. All Todd and I hear on the baby monitor is her talking up a storm. Once I round the corner to her room, she pops her little head up (as if she knows I am coming) and grins from ear to ear. Now, how many people get to wake up like that? And about two weeks ago, she sat in a high-chair for the first time. Emmry can sit-up for short periods of time. No crawling yet, just scooting. But boy can she laugh... and talk... and talk... and talk. I wonder where she gets this from? Ah and she LOVES "tummy time". She likes to roll over on her own, without anyone's help. I love to watch her put her own self to sleep. She kicks, waves her arms, and moves her head back and forth. Hysterical. Amazingly, she goes right to sleep.
However, Emmry is not a fan of the sun in her eyes. She HATES it. Whenever we are outside, she spends most of the time with her eyes closed... or she is pitching a fit because she wants the shade. And let's talk about attitude!! This girl is full of that! Emmry=Attitude. It already melts my heart when she wants something, we say no and her lip just quivers and the biggest tears fall from her eyes. Then entire time I'm thinking, "If it's this bad now, how am I ever going to tell her no"?
There is one thing about this girl that even I can't deny... She loves her daddy. Follows every move he makes, laughs at anything he does, kisses him with the wettest kisses, cuddles up on his shoulder, and falls asleep right in his arms. Her eyes light up when he walks in the room. When she hears the sound of his voice... she stops, looks around and when she finds him, she lets out the biggest smile. I love when he sings to her. He made up a song when she was first born and it has stuck ever since."Put a smile on your face, it'll make you feel better. Put a smile on your face, make it last forever. Put a smile on your face when you're down and when you're blue. Put a smile on your face because mommy and daddy love you."
Every time he sings this to her, she smiles and la ughs. Yes... She loves this man. And that is one thing we will always have in common. We both love him.
Emmry has her FIRST friend too!! Makenna Kinsley Martin. She was born January 27, 2009. This girl is precious and lord what a head full of hair. She is tiny. Makenna's mom, Alyssa Martin, is and has been one of my closest friends since elementary school, 3rd grade to be exact. Alyssa found out she was pregnant a few weeks after me. We both laughed when we found out we were both having girls. Looks like our girls will be just like their mothers; best friends. We often joke about their first day of school, car-pooling, summers at the pool, and how close they will grow up to be! We shall see!!
I can honestly say, these past 7 months have been the best 7 months of my entire life. Nothing, absolutely nothing can fill me up with happiness more than Emmry. I strive to be a wonderful mother to her. I love that I can look in her blue eyes and see two things; One, I see her daddy and two, I can already see how much she loves me. It's oh so amazing!
1 comment:
I Love this Kacy! She is so beautiful!
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