2. She can feed herself not only with her hands but with a spoon too.
3. Ball is her favorite word.
4. She can drink from a big-girl cup.
5. She dances endlessly.6. Emmry knows when bedtime is and goes to sleep on her own.
7. She can tell our dog Rusty to speak and he actually does it.
8. Mama is her second favorite word.
9. She knows what to do with a phone. (Hold it to her ear and say hey)
10. "TOUCHDOWN" is her favorite pose.
11. She loves to wink.
12. Chicken in her favorite food.
13. When I say "Daddy's home", she runs to the window to watch for him.
14. This child loves SHOES more than her toys.
15. Painting is her newest hobby.
16. Bath time is her favorite time of the day.
17. She love, loves, loves books.
18. When asked for a kiss, she'll give you one.