Everyone... We'd like for you to meet Charlie, the newest addition to our family. Charlie was born on October 15, 2009 and he is a toy poodle. He will be around 4-5 pounds total. He is full chocolate and white mix. His nose and paws are even brown and he has the most gorgeous green eyes. After Sammy died, we knew Abby needed a playmate. We couldn't stand to see her looking out the window, waiting for Sammy to return. So, we loaded up the car with Emmry and Abby and headed to Petland.
I walked in the store, eager to see all the little puppies in hopes that I would find one to melt my heart. We played with all sorts of them but I spotted Charlie in the store manager's arms and just knew I had to have him. I held him and that was it. I was gone. In fact, Todd was gone too. We both fell instantly in love. The funny this is, we went to Petland on a Saturday which was obviously the most busy day of the week. There were tons of people and each one of them waited for us to put Charlie back so they could hold him. One family even came in, as we were checking out, to purchase Charlie. I guess he was the "favorite" of the pet store.
Though Charlie will never replace our Sammy, he is definitely loved and definitely made such a wonderful change to our household. He is playful, he wrestles with Emmry and Abby, he has the most tiny bark I've ever heard and the way he sleeps is hysterical. I don't feel like we "chose" Charlie, I feel like Charlie "chose" us!
(Charlie with his tongue sticking out)
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Rest In Peace My Sweet Sammy
2010 didn't start off as I had planned nor do I think 2009 ended how I expected. After a date with Todd, we arrived home as usual. Unloaded Emmry out of the car, unlocked the door, sat Emmry down by her toys, and played with Abby and Sammy who were dying for our attention. This is our every day routine when we get home. For whatever reason, we didn't take the dogs out when we got home (which is a pretty common thing we do is take them out asap).
(Abby to the left, Sammy to the right)
Around 9:45, Todd noticed that Sammy wasn't upstairs in the bed with us. Once he realized Sammy wasn't down stairs either, the panic set in. We immediately went outside, checked the road, searched the backyard and starting yelling his name. Then... something just hit me; my heart stopped as I went towards the road for one last look. I stood there for a minute trying to clear the tears from my eyes so I could see clearly. I was freezing and my breaths drew faster and harder. I knew in that moment, it was My Sammy. I screamed Todd's name. Over and over again and even though it was only moments before he reached me... it felt like days. My heart was shattered, empty, speechless. I cried endlessly, sobbed for days.
Sammy was my very first pet to have all to myself. He was my Christmas present from Todd in 2006. Sammy was never afraid of anything, very curious but also very protective. He loved us all in a way that could never be replaced and the bond he had with Emmry was truly one of a kind. He played with her, chased her, kissed her, and whenever she would wake up from nap time... he'd always be right there at her crib waiting on me to put her down. I miss him. We all miss him.
Todd buried him in our flower garden. He even has a headstone and flowers. It took me days to be able to go out and see it, maybe because I felt so guilty. I think of him daily and often want to call out his name. I hear his bark. I can sometimes smell where he used to lay. I know he is in a better place. I know I'll meet him again.
Sammy, wherever you are... I love you. Todd loves you. Emmry loves you. Abby loves you. You are and will always be missed.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
A Tad Bit Behind.... (sorry)
I do believe the last time I "blogged" was in October, after my birthday. There is soooo much catching up to do and figuring out a place to start is mind-boggling. I'll just pick up where I left off and ONLY give the most important details of the event(s). First up is Halloween 2009...
Even though it was a very yucky and rainy Halloween, it was definitely a great time for Emmry, who I must say was the sweetest little ladybug I had ever seen. We (Todd, Emmry and I) first went to eat at one of our favorite restaurant and then headed over to PawPaw and Nana Gayle's house to go trick-or-treating! She loved going from door to door and this child loves candy so this was a very enjoyable event for her.
It is now January 13, 2010 and the new year is looking brighter than ever. We are all excited to see what the new year will bring to us. As of last night, we have an OFFICIAL WALKER! Yes, my dear and precious Emmry is walking now (it's been a LONG few months). I do believe I have worried myself sick over the ordeal but just like everyone said, she will do it in her own time. I have a gut feeling that 2010 will be one of the best years for us... But only time will tell! =) I am truly blessed and thankful to have my family. I love them and I know without a doubt, they love me too.
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