This is only our second pageant but our first pageant out of state and without Daddy! We were very sad to leave him behind but he had to work. So Ninnie (my mom), Kyndal (my little sister), Emmry and I loaded up in the Excursion at 8:00 am Saturday morning and we were off for Spartanburg South Carolina. This is about a three maybe three and a half hour long drive, so I was mighty nervous about how Emmry would do. Much to my surprise, she did fantastic. Emmry and Kyndal watched movies and she finally drifted off for about 45 minutes. (That was the only nap she had the ENTIRE day).
We arrived, ate, put on our beauty wear and the pageant began at 1 o'clock on the dot. Emmry... oh my sweet Emmry ate up the staged and grinned for attention. As a mother, I couldn't have asked for her to do any better. She danced, smiled, laughed, played "Where's Emmry" with the judges and audience, and showed her personality the entire time.
We quickly had to change into Spring Wear and oh my! My little Spring Bee was BUZZING! I was very proud of myself considering that I made all of her accessories. Granny Pat made the adorable bows and basket and I made the bracelet and earrings. Emm was ROCKIN'!
In this pageant, Emmry was required to create a hat from scratch that was "spring themed". I had a field day with this part of the competition! Stressed from the beginning but at the end, I was so amazed at the turn out of this hat. The hat was an adult gardening hat. I added the fake green moss first, topped it with huge, bright daisy flowers, added a few butterflies, bees, ladybugs, a dragonfly and coated it with some hot glue and BAM! Emmry's hat was born! One of the best and most creative things I have ever done and it paid off... BIG TIME!
It was a very long, very tiring, very overwhelming day that I think ended very successfully! Crowning and the awards ceremony began around 5 o'clock that afternoon. There were 13 girls in her age group and about 60+ overall. Emmry won as follows in this order:
Best Portfolio
Most Beautiful
Best Personality
Best Spring Wear
Over All Spring Hat Diva
Supreme Division One Winner
Being proud of her is an understatement. Words cannot describe how happy and elated I was for Emmry. She took every bit of it in too. AND... For her to get up at 7:30 in the morning, have a 45 minute nap, last nearly SIX hours thru a pageant and not pitch ONE FIT.... THAT IS AMAZING and all I could ask for!

Best Portfolio
Most Beautiful
Best Personality
Best Spring Wear
Over All Spring Hat Diva
Supreme Division One Winner